Welsh Example Sentences
Add the cinnamon sticks and cardamom and let them sizzle for a few seconds before adding the marinated meat.
Ychwanegwch y ffyn sinamon a'r cardamom a gadewch iddyn nhw sizzle am ychydig eiliadau cyn ychwanegu'r cig wedi'i farinadu.
As a pungent spice, ginger also has an important place in the cuisine of countries all around the world.
Fel sbeislyd pungent, mae gan sinsir le pwysig hefyd yng nghiwiau gwledydd ledled y byd.
Joyce was excited when she saw the first sprout of her herb garden coming up from the soil.
Roedd Joyce yn gyffrous pan welodd y tro cyntaf i'w gardd berlysiau ddod i fyny o'r pridd.
Sage is a very popular herb used for seasoning a variety of meats, cheeses, sauces and soups.
Mae saets yn berlysiau poblogaidd iawn a ddefnyddir ar gyfer sesnin amrywiaeth o gigoedd, cawsiau, sawsiau a chawliau.
My companion chose a creamy mango pudding while I had crispy banana fritters with vanilla ice-cream and honey.
Dewisodd fy nghyfaill bwdin mango hufennog tra bod gen i fritters banana creisionllyd gyda hufen iâ fanila a mêl.
That rich, creamy vanilla flavor pervades the sugar to give a truly indulgent taste and aroma.
Mae'r blas fanila cyfoethog, hufennog hwnnw'n treiddio i'r siwgr i roi blas ac aroma gwirioneddol oddefgar.
In a mixing bowl, mix together everything except for your hard boiled eggs, ketchup and bacon.
Mewn powlen gymysgu, cymysgwch bopeth heblaw am eich wyau wedi'u berwi'n galed, tegan a chig moch.
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