European Portuguese Example Sentences
The church is without aisles, and has a semicircular roof, and the choir is raised twelve steps above the floor of the nave.
A igreja está sem corredores, e tem um telhado semicircular, e o coro é erguido doze degraus acima do chão da nave.
She resolved to give up learning the harp and to play only the guitar.
Decidiu desistir de aprender a harpa e tocar apenas a guitarra.
He wore headphones and spoke into a microphone, simultaneously responding to half a dozen chat windows open on this computer.
Usava auscultadores e falava num microfone, respondendo simultaneamente a meia dúzia de janelas de chat abertas neste computador.
She pulled a folder from her bag and they headed to the music room.
Tirou uma pasta da mala e foram para a sala de música.
Sarah heard the piano playing very softly as she went down the stairs to make breakfast.
Sarah ouviu o piano tocando muito suavemente enquanto descia as escadas para fazer o pequeno-almoço.
He was silent for a few moments and she thought he was listening to the radio.
Ficou calado por uns momentos e pensou que estava a ouvir rádio.
In the violin concerto, the second movement opens with a beautiful melody played by the oboe.
No concerto para violino, o segundo movimento abre com uma bela melodia tocada pelo oboé.
Suddenly he heard a familiar voice repeating something to him a second time.
De repente, ouviu uma voz familiar a repetir-lhe algo uma segunda vez.
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